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Set 6 Petition

Set 6 Petition
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Thank you for stopping by our petition page.

The reason we have created this petition is because we have heard from several sources that MapleStory iTCG Set 6 has been put on hold, prior to it being sent to the printers. Wizards of the Coast and NEXON America appear to be in some sort of negotiations that is preventing set 6 from being printed and released for general public sales. That and the lack of advertising push from Wizards of the Coast, for the game, puts into question the games continued support.

From personal experience only, no official knowledge, it seems that the game is a good seller. This website enjoys several thousand unique visitors per month and various fan forums seem fairly active. While I don't see the booster packs sold out everywhere I go, I do see that it sells at many businesses I frequent.

This petition, whether or not it actually does any good, is a statement by the players, collectors or code buyers that this game works and is popular.

Even if only signed by a few, I plan on sending this petition to both parties mention above, Wizards of the Coast and NEXON America.

Thank you again for stopping by.


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